Make probable the possible

One excellent in a hundred thousand of the world's population.
The people identified will receive an engagement fee equal to a thousand times the contribution paid.

Be one in a hundred thousand

A program of concrete initiatives to tackle the most felt and urgent problems of Humanity throughout the world need excellent people.
To make probable what is still only possible.

What is Pravartya

Pravartya is an initiative of Holos Global System, a program of concrete initiatives to address the most felt and urgent problems of Humanity around the world.
To trigger the implementation process of Holos Global System, it is necessary to identify one in a hundred thousand of the world's population with at least sixteen years of age, which should have characteristics quite different from the rest of the population.

The excellents

There are over fifty thousand people (5.2 billion people with at least sixteen years of age divided by 100 thousand) with whom it is possible to make probable what is still only possible.
We will call these people "tiraskarin", which in Sanskrit means "excellent".
The identification of tiraskarin can be attended by people from each country with at least fifteen years and nine months of age.

What to do

To participate in the identification you must register for the program, pay a (see contribution for the selection costs different for each country and age and complete the psycho-physical test.
When the identification program is completed (approximately three months are required for the selection), the people identified as «tiraskarin» will receive an engagement fee equal to a thousand times the contribution paid.

Change the World

Together with Pravartya the future can be better.

After registration you will receive confirmation of the correct registration and you can proceed with the payment of the contribution.
Then it will be given access to psychological and physical tests that will be completed in its entirety and will give access to the selection.


By registering for Pravartya you will have the opportunity to be selected to participate in the program.
After receiving confirmation of registration, you can proceed with the payment of the contribution.
Then it will be given access to psychological and physical tests that can also be completed in multiple sessions by logging into your Pravartya account.

The registration contribution depends on nationality and age and is indicated in this table.